Epic mickey scary
Epic mickey scary

epic mickey scary

The entire game takes place inside a Alternate Universe Walt Disney's head where he is Alive and InsaneThe whole plot of Epic Mickey is really All Just a Dream or a dying dream, hallucination, or what have you of a alternate reality Walt Disney who never died decades ago. The magic of Yen Sid that fuels the Wasteland allows them to remain alive as long as they are in the Wasteland the moment a heartless Character would step out of the borders of the Wasteland, he'd die for the very simple physiologic reason that a person without a heart at all doesn't last long.A bit nightmarefuely, I know, but it works. This spell makes that they don't have a heart anymore. I finally came up, however, with this: forgotten characters are under a spell made by Yen Sid to ensure they can't get out of the Wasteland without his approval. However, how the forgotten flesh-and-blood characters could live without a heart and while not having a heart meant they couldn't return was a bit hard to handle. However, I still like the Epic Mickey franchise, and twisting it to fit my bill was easy (just mentally replace "toon" with "human" wherever they say that, and say that thinner destroys "toons"/"humans" not because they're made of paint, but because it's magical thinner - after all, a wizard literally ''did'' it). "But I wanted to reach a broader audience.How the "without a heart" works if the characters aren't "toons"As a fan of the comics more than of Roger Rabbit, I prefer it when the Disney characters are treated as flesh-ans-blood rather than made of paint. There are few pivotal decisions in "Epic Mickey," although everything has a bearing on the ending. How gamers handle this paint/thinner idea is part of Spector's "choice" concept in "Epic Mickey." In a departure from his cyberpunk titles, Spector admits that he took a "subtle" approach to choices here. Spector admits that he had slightly loftier goals for the paint/thinner concept, but he's still satisfied with the way things worked out. They can appear – or reappear – when sprayed with paint.

epic mickey scary

Portions of the world can disappear when sprayed with thinner. But the root of the gameplay is a paint/thinning concept that seems like graffiti on steroids. Yes, Mickey jumps about and he can attack enemies. Spend a few minutes in Wasteland, and you'll understand.

epic mickey scary

"But this is a platformer, it's an action game, it's an RPG. "We took inspiration from Mario, from Zelda," Spector says, referring to a pair of Nintendo icons. It's a Spector game, a game with options. This isn't a platformer (call it one and somewhere, its creator will launch into a distressed tirade). Spector may not have transformed Mickey Mouse's identity, but he did bring his gaming style to the title. Everyone saves Wasteland, and everyone redeems Mickey's older "brother," Oswald the Rabbit, he says.Īnd everyone does it in a slightly different way. Spector isn't shy to give away the game's general ending. The world needed to be dark so Mickey could bring light to it." "But the key for me was how do we make Mickey a hero. "There was never a point where anybody on my team or I wanted Mickey to be a monster. "We went through a lot of iterations, but none of those were evil I don't know where people got that," he says. Early trailers and screenshots featuring dimly lit halls and backgrounds did little to dissuade that perception – and occasionally frustrated Spector. Most assumed "Epic Mickey" would feature a darker protagonist, a J.C. Yet because of his rep in electronics circles, the game was instantly labeled as a departure from the kind gentle Mickey of Fantasia fame. He calls the Disney star "one of the most beloved characters in the world," and speaks often of how "billions of people have a relationship with the character." In games such as "Deus Ex," he could create characters, imbue them with what he pleased with Mickey, he knew he had an established icon, not a blank slate. Spector's personal interest led him to handle "Epic Mickey" with extra care.

#Epic mickey scary full

"They had no idea I was a Disney fan," he says, his eyes drifting to a wall full of toys in the distance. Two years later, Disney acquired Junction Point and asked Spector to begin working on a Mickey Mouse game.

Epic mickey scary